The Experience



Robotics & Engineering

Visual Art & Animation

Coding & Game Design

Culinary & Food Science

At Berkshire Lake Camp, we are committed to the growth and development of our campers, and believe that camp is the best place for this to occur. Upon enrollment, Campers will choose one specialty studio that they’re most passionate about for the duration of their camp session. Campers will spend their day immersed in their core studio while also enjoying personalized elective activities throughout the day.

Each studio is taught by professionals with extensive experience in the field they represent. Our expert staff have designed an impressive program that brings our campers; passions and interests to life. Using a hands-on approach, campers are divided by grade and skill level into small groups to develop new understanding and skills in their selected studio. We believe that campers learn best when collaborating with their peers, so teamwork, cooperation, and the importance of sharing ideas comes into play each day.




Robotics & Engineering

Culinary & Food Sciences

Robotics & Engineering

Visual Arts & Animation

Visual Arts & Animation

Visual Arts & Animation

Coding & Game Design

Coding & Game Design

Culinary & Food Sciences


We believe that summer camp is much more than just a week or two away from home.

Summer camp is a chance for kids to grow, to learn, to meet people a little different from themselves, and to take on new kinds of challenges. Each day campers will choose two electives to participate in. Electives are recreational activities meant to give campers both freedom and flexibility to explore interests they may not have even thought about before camp while socializing with campers outside of their bunk and core studio.

Elective offerings change every few days ensuring campers have a wide variety of choice.

Some sample electives include:


Camp simply wouldn’t be camp without cabin life. Each camper will live in a same-gender, similar-age cabin. Campers sleep in our brand new bunks with indoor bathrooms and showers. Each child is grouped with 7-11 other campers and will be supervised by 2-3 counselors plus a Division Leader at all times. 

We know that living in close quarters allows for an experience of group cohesion which promotes life skills in sharing, cooperation, and compromise. Throughout their time at camp, we know that campers gain a sense of belonging and sheer pride from the supportive friendships made by living with others.


Special events and camp traditions are a big part of the Berkshire Lake Camp experience. At BLC, we’re all about off-the-chart camp excitement! Campfires, sing-down, camp plays, BBQ’s, theme meals and campwide competitions – we make every week at camp full of spirit, surprises and fun.


As the sun sets on Lake Ashmere, the fun keeps on going. Evening activities are among the best times of the day at Berkshire Lake Camp. Each night campers will have an evening program ranging from a bunk scavenger hunt to an all-camp special event like casino night or Survivor.


On Saturdays we take it easy and rest up after a long week at camp. Revival Saturdays allow the entire community to sleep in and join together for a magical, musical brunch. Studio sessions are replaced with an entire day of free time and electives. To round out the day, we celebrate with an all camp BBQ cookout, Berkshire Bash (our version of a camp carnival), and a classic drive-in movie night.


Berkshire Crown, our version of color war, is the best day and a half of fun and intense competition. Camp is divided into two teams that compete in various athletic, artistic, scientific, and adventure based activities including an apache relay and a rope burn. The two days come to an end with a closing ceremony where each team partakes in an epic sing-down.


7:30 AM

7:45 AM

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

11:30 AM

12:30 PM

1:30 PM

2:30 PM

4:30 PM

5:30 PM

6:15 PM

7:15 PM

8:15 PM

8:30 PM

9:15 PM


Morning Huddle


Core Studios

Snack & Elective Huddle


Press Con & Lunch

Rest Hour & Cabin Cleanup

Core Studios

Snack & Elective Huddle



Free Play/Evening Activity

Evening Huddle

Showers & Cabin Rituals

Lights Out


We are Berkshire Lake Camp. And we love what we do.

Year-Round Team

Brent Osborne

Brent Osborne


Brent is a true summer camp enthusiast and is proud to serve as the Director of Berkshire Lake Camp. Prior to starting BLC, Brent supported the startup operations and growth of an overnight specialty sports camp in the San Francisco Bay Area. Brent has spent many summers on the leadership teams at Camp Winadu and Camp Ramaquois as well as eight years working with families and teens at a local community center.

In recognition for his dedication to advancing the field, Brent was awarded the Jack Weiner Leadership Award by the American Camp Association national office in 2019 and the Michael Gordon Young Leaders Award by the American Camp Association New York & New Jersey office in 2018. 

Brent is a regular speaker at conferences on topics such as staff training, youth and teen development, team building, and digital media. He currently serves as the Social Events Chair and Internship Manager for the Tri-State Camp Conference and is a member of the Emerging Professionals in Camping committee. In addition, Brent is a proud Associate Board Member of SCOPE, a non-profit organization dedicated to sending underprivileged children to summer camp. 

Brent holds a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Communication and Leadership and is currently studying for his Masters in Camp Administration and Leadership Development. When he isn’t dreaming about camp, you’ll find Brent indulging in live comedy, reading on the beach, walking his dog, or spoiling his many nieces and nephews. 


Mark Benerofe

Mark Benerofe

CEO of CampGroup

Dayna Hardin

Dayna Hardin

President of CampGroup

Eric Wittenberg

Eric Wittenberg

CEO of CampGroup

Jodi Sperling

Jodi Sperling

Senior Consultant - Fly with Sparrow

Elizabaeth Rosenblum

Elizabaeth Rosenblum

Parent Advisor

Lauren Carlucci

Lauren Carlucci

Parent Advisor

Berkshire Lake Camp is grateful for the advice and counsel of our Advisory Board. Our advisory board is made up of our go-to experts. They’re at the top of their fields and are the people we lean on for advice, support, and the occasional hug. These inspiring individuals share in our commitment to cultivate creativity and help ensure we provide an exceptional experience for our families and staff.

Prior to entering the camp world, Mark enjoyed a 10-year stint as a teacher, basketball coach, and athletic director in the New York City public school system. It was there that he developed a passion for working with youth in athletic and educational environments. In 2004 Mark became actively involved with CampGroup’s camps as an owner and member of the Board of Managers. In 2009, he joined the team full time as President of CampGroup and a Director of Camp Winadu. Currently CEO of CampGroup, Mark is committed to supporting CampGroup’s directors as they pursue CampGroup’s mission to enrich children’s lives. Mark currently serves on American Camp Association’s (ACA) National Board of Directors as well as the Board of Directors for ACA’s NY and NJ Affiliate.

Dayna has been the owner of Lake of the Woods and Greenwoods Camps in Decator, MI since 1997. In 2014, Dayna became President of CampGroup after serving as Vice President for 4 years. In addition, Dayna is Vice President of the American Camp Association’s (ACA) national board. She is the co-founder and President of SCOPE Midwest, an organization that sends underserved children to camp. She is also a past President of the Midwest Association of Independent Camps. She is a speaker at camp conferences on a variety of topics and is also the past conference chair for the ACA’s national conference (2007-2010). She has received a number of awards for her dedication to the camp industry.

After spending many summers attending day camp as a child, Eric launched his professional career in camping by helping to start a prominent day camp in the New York City suburbs. No stranger to the Berkshires, Eric later co-founded a specialty overnight soccer camp for girls to develop an innovative hybrid of soccer and traditional camps. In doing so, Eric had to master digital marketing. In 2018, Eric opened Camper Machine Operations (CMO) to help summer camp Owners & Operators reclaim their time and peace of mind by integrating automation to enhance the relationships that drive camp’s business. 

Jodi is a Jerusalem-based consultant, trainer, and facilitator who is a North American camp veteran and communal strategist. After being a camp director for 12 years, Jodi became the Vice President of Camping and Teen Engagement for JCCs of North America. In this role, she supported, advised and led the work of 25 overnight camps and 130 day camps in the network. Originally from Buffalo, NY, Jodi has her BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Journalism and Jewish Studies, and her Masters of Social Work from the University of Michigan. She has served on the faculty of various professional development and training programs and is a frequent speaker at conferences. Jodi consults and trains on a variety of topics including camp business and strategy, leadership development, camp crisis management, teen engagement, change management, staff training, and organizational culture.

A well-seasoned professional in the world of non-profit institutions, Liz currently is the Development Director at a private school in New Jersey and has held various positions in nonprofit organizations in the tri-state area. In addition to her professional work, she also serves on numerous non-profit volunteer committees. Her professional and volunteer philosophy revolves around the principles and values of ease, honesty, and gratitude. Liz is a mother of two boys, Henry (7) and Charlie (5). They live in New City, NY with their husband/dad, Greg, and dog Dexter. 



Our talented and dedicated leadership team oversees each area and group at camp. Our team is here for your child and for you – serving as your liaisons throughout your child’s camp experience. They offer our campers the guidance and nurturing that only camping professionals with years of experience can supply.

Berkshire Lake Camp recruits the best and brightest leaders to be part of our team. We hire staff from around the world to build a strong and diverse team that adds a unique cultural perspective to our camp life.


We’re as dedicated to investing in the leaders on our staff as we are to the growth of our campers. One simply can’t happen without the other. In addition to a thorough hiring process,  all staff attend an intensive training program with our professional management team.


Counselors are the heart of Berkshire Lake Camp. First and foremost, counselors supervise and guide groups of campers through the day-to-day elements of camp, ensuring emotional and physical well-being, and serving as a role model. Counselors also serve as specialists, working in a specific core studio, on the program team, as a lifeguard or in the office.


Our Area Heads serve as the primary instructors for our core studios. They teach fundamental skills and advanced strategy, guiding our campers through an engaging curriculum. Area Heads are passionate and uniquely qualified individuals who have direct experience working in their respective concentrations.